
We exist to connect people to Jesus and each other

In the embrace of our community, discipleship takes on a richer meaning. It is not just about personal piety; it’s about how we embody the teachings of Christ in our interactions, relationships, and shared experiences. The love we show, the support we offer, and the compassion we extend become tangible expressions of our faith.


Belonging to a people

We are more than members of a local church; we are a people – a family bound by a common faith and shared values. This communal identity reinforces the notion that every individual is a vital thread in the fabric of our collective journey. Together, we celebrate joys, weather storms, and grow in our spiritual walk.

Building Bridges Beyond Walls

Our understanding of community extends beyond the boundaries of our church walls. We seek to build bridges with the wider community, reaching out in love and service. As ambassadors of Christ, we strive to make a positive impact on the world around us, embodying the principles of charity and humanitarian service.

In essence, community is not just a concept at House of Mercy Christian Assembly – it is the very essence of our identity. We invite you to be part of this vibrant community, where discipleship is not a solitary pursuit but a shared adventure, and where relationships are cultivated, strengthened, and celebrated on the journey of faith.

Jean-Michel Tchamba

Senior Pastor

David Angus

Our Team


At House of Mercy Christian Assembly, our commitment to charity and humanitarian service is embodied by a dedicated and passionate leadership team. Together, we strive to live out the teachings of Christ, fostering a community of love, compassion, and service to others.
Together, the leadership team at House of Mercy Christian Assembly is a beacon of hope, dedicated to illuminating the path of compassion and service. As we journey together, we invite you to join us in this sacred mission, where every act of love brings us closer to the realization of God's kingdom on Earth.

Other Team Members

House of Mercy Christian Assembly is committed to unity, liberty, and love in Jesus Christ

What's Next?

Next Steps

Congratulations! You have decided to dedicate your life to following Jesus. You may be wondering what’s next on your journey. We want to help! Join us as we guide you toward the next steps in your walk with Christ.


Get Involved

The strength of a church community lies in the active participation of its members. By getting involved, you not only contribute to the mission of House of Mercy but also experience personal growth and fulfillment through your service to others.

Plan a Visit

We genuinely believe that everyone has a place in our community, and we would be honoured to welcome you into our church family. We look forward to the opportunity to worship and fellowship with you.


Don't hesitate to ask questions. Whether it's about the church's history, programs, or if there's anything specific you would like to know before your visit or how to get involved.
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