country, they appreciate only power – yes folks, in the wonderful old United Kingdom, might has proved to be right. The new Prime Minister has stated as much, and his actions have followed his words.×300&!3&btvi=2&fsb=1&dtd=4279

Let me explain.This is how it goes in his mind. We are in thrall to the unions. Doesn’t matter whether they are doctors or train drivers. We don’t need to look at the rightness of their case. They are striking. Therefore they are right. Although they earn a fortune already, they want more and we will give it them.

We have to help working people and we will get non-working people to help them. Not the lazy, and not the work-shy, because they vote for us. Who else doesn’t work? All those oldies who are growing apace, getting rich in their uber large houses, often paying lower council tax because they are alone. They are not in unions. Therefore they can’t strike. In addition, many are old and feeble, and want to pop their clogs in any case. Therefore, let’s help them along the way. Then, our young, Labour-voting workers and those who, quite understandably, don’t want to work, can take over the homes of the non-unionized old and widowed, and they’ll be happy and we won’t have to tax our lot more than we already do. And they will vote for us again, and we’ll carry on in power for as long as it takes. And by the way, we should really accelerate the assisted dying bill, so that the oldies can be got out of the way as quickly as possible in order to fulfil all our goals as swiftly and as efficiently as we can.

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